
Intercessory department

Intercessory department is the prayer arm of The Lighted Church. Our core activity is to pray for every agenda of the ministry to be successfully implemented. We stand in the gap for the vision, the visioner and the body of Christ in general.

Isaiah 62:6-7 is our reference text: “O The Lighted Church (Jerusalem), I have set intercessors on your walls who shall cry to God all day and all night for the fulfillment of His promises. Take no rest all you who pray and give God no rest until he establishes The Lighted Church (Jerusalem) and makes her respected and admired throughout the earth” – Living Bible Edition – Paraphrased.


We fast and pray for manifestation of God’s agenda in our church, for the pronouncements of God’s servant to become life testimonies and for the growth of the church in all ramifications.


Quarterly seminars are held to sharpen intercessors’ knowledge on prayers, gifts of the spirit and walking with the Holy Spirit.


Our prayers are continuous at our different career locations but we meet as a group on a chosen day each week to pray together.


Membership into the intercessory department is strictly by conviction. Only those convicted and convinced by the Holy Spirit are admitted.
