Molding lives, Lighting the world.

Welcome to The Lighted Church, a place of worship, word and outreach. A place where you experience great fellowship, and a sense of community.

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Welcome to The Lighted Church

A place of worship, word and outreach.

The Lighted Church is a church of the living God and has its foundation on Jesus Christ the Way, the Truth and the Life. It is a church born out of a vision to see humanity completely free from all forms of enslavement and bondage and in the light of such total freedom also help to set others free. Our mission is to see God’s children becoming all God created them to be and possessing all that Jesus Christ paid for on their behalf.   


Profiles and photos of pastors, ministers, and key leaders

Pastor Charles Ojei

Pastor Charles Ojei is a multifaceted servant of God who has touched countless lives through his dynamic ministry. As an apostle, he uplifts his congregation spiritually; as a teacher, he brings the Word of God alive in the hearts of his followers

Pastor Mrs. Helen Ojei

Pastor Helen Ojei is a devoted teacher, mother, and a steadfast partner to her husband, Pastor Charles Ojei. With a Bachelor’s degree in Public Administration, she  brings wisdom, and spiritual insight to her role in the church.


Our month of victory

I welcome you to the Month of March. This is the Month The Lord is set to do great things for you, to turn your life around and put your enemies to shame. Therefore, stand strong in faith, face your fear, confront your challenges for The Lord has given you victory and your red sea (the greatest obstacle to your victory) is parting before you! Exodus 14:13-16. March forward and see you at the other side of victory in Jesus Name.

Drops of light

When your focus is on man to help you, you have set yourself up for failure.

Drops of light

A man/woman of confidence is one that has knowledge.

Drops of light

When God's glory is involved in your life, your strength is not needed.

Drops of light

The more you know the Holy Spirit, the less you fear all other spirits.

Promise for this week

Joel 2:23-26 (NLT)

23 Rejoice, you people of Jerusalem!
Rejoice in the Lord your God!
For the rain he sends demonstrates his faithfulness.
Once more the autumn rains will come,
as well as the rains of spring.
24 The threshing floors will again be piled high with grain,
and the presses will overflow with new wine and olive oil.

25 The Lord says, “I will give you back what you lost
to the swarming locusts, the hopping locusts,
the stripping locusts, and the cutting locusts.
It was I who sent this great destroying army against you.
26 Once again you will have all the food you want,
and you will praise the Lord your God,
who does these miracles for you.
Never again will my people be disgraced.


Our Mission
To see God’s children becoming all God created them to be and possessing all that Jesus Christ paid for on their behalf.
Our Vision
Lighting the people to light the world through the knowledge of Christ
The Lighted Church: Illuminating Lives Through Christ

The Lighted Church, the church arm of The Light of the World Outreach Ministries, is built on the foundation of Jesus Christ as the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Founded on December 11, 1999, by Rev. Charles Ojei, the church aims to free humanity from spiritual bondage and empower them to lead others to freedom through Christ. It operates under The Light of the World Outreach Ministries Inc. and is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission.
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    The Lighted Church is a church of the living God and has its foundation on Jesus Christ .



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